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Washington Square

The architecture of Washington Square is intended to recall the dignity and grace of many of the older office buildings constructed around the turn of the century. The buildings are intended to portray a “timeless” quality, substantial enough to mark their permanence and displaying a confidence essential to avoid being swayed by the current fashion of the day. As in most truly successful urban interventions the space between the buildings is as important as the buildings themselves. It is in this spirit that an internal “square” has been created within the office complex. This square unites the office buildings and provides an opportunity for human interaction and social involvement. The plaza location and size were carefully studied. It is raised up from the street level on a “plinth” approximately 4’-0” high, just tall enough to mark it as an important destination place. The plaza was also carefully positioned to allow it to extend the cities existing pedestrian circulation patterns. Washington Square will create a unique environment and one that distinctly reflects the values and cultures that make Tallahassee such a beautiful and exciting place to live.

© EMI architects. All rights reserved.

(850) 222-7442 

251 E 7th Ave | Tallahassee, FL | 32303

Lic #s: AA C000409   IBC000153

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